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Please read our additional fees for Conveyancing and how to protect yourself from conveyancing scams.

Residential and commercial property

One of the most financially important decisions anyone makes is the one to purchase a property. Whether it is your first time, a second home, an investment or a commercial premises, the transaction needs a careful eye and a steady hand.

With the ever increasing complexities and regulation surrounding the borrowing process and the limits upon the availability of cash, our highly experienced team will guide you though every step of the process.

While national and international private wealth remains, investors are opting for prime real estate rather than other commodities. Factoring in sometimes favourable tax conditions and exchange rates, the UK property market remains particularly attractive to overseas buyers.

When investing in property you will need trusted professional advisers who understand the intricacies of the UK market to safeguard potentially your most valuable asset.

We carry out a significant amount of commercial property work. Most commonly we are instructed to deal with;

  • The grant of new leases for shops offices or warehouses
  • The assignment of such leases
  • Obtaining of providing licences to assign a lease or alter the premises
  • Agreements for leases
  • Deeds of surrender of leases

Matters can vary significantly so please contact us with details of your specific circumstances if you require a costs estimate.

What makes us different?

Our conveyancing department specialises in bespoke purchases, sales, refinancing and transfer of equity.

We understand that clients are looking for a security as quickly and as smoothly as possible. We aim to be proactive in driving each transaction through to a successful conclusion. We will make sure that documentation is not allowed to drift or be held up by unnecessarily intense inquiries. When we encounter potential problems or irregularities we try to find practical and commercial resolutions. We work regularly to tight deadlines, ensuring our clients’ objectives are achieved.

Every single transaction is treated as a priority and we aim to remove the stress and worry from the process. The results of such an approach are consistently trouble-free transactions.

We are approved by the majority of high street lenders which also contributes to the efficiency of the transaction.

Our services

  • Residential sale and purchases.
  • Commercial sale and acquisitions.
  • Investment purchases.
  • Auction purchases, new build and off plan development purchase and sales.
  • Re-mortgage and equity release schemes.
  • Leasehold enfranchisement.
  • Tenancy agreements and other landlord matters.